Platinum Dental Care
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Your Childs Overall health as well as any medications which your child takes could have an important interrelationship with the dental care your child recieves. Please answer each of the following questions completely.
Is your child's water fluoridated? YesNo
Does your child take fluoride supplements? YesNo
Suck Thumb/Finger YesNo
Suck/Bite Lip YesNo
Bite/Chew Nails YesNo
Chew Hard Objects(pencils,etc.) YesNo
Grind Teeth YesNo
Clench Jaws YesNo
Date of last Dental visit
Previous Dentist
Has your child had difficulty with previous dental visits? YesNo
Has your child ever taken Fen-Phen/Redux? YesNo
Asthma YesNo
Handicaps/Disabilities YesNo
Cancer YesNo
Tuberculosis YesNo
Hepatits YesNo
Diabetes YesNo
Rheumatic Fever YesNo
Hemophilia YesNo
Congenital Heart Defect YesNo
Abnormal Bleeding YesNo
Heart Murmur YesNo
Stomach, Liver or Kidney Problems YesNo
Convulsions/Epilepsy YesNo
A persistent cough or throat clearing not associated with a known illness (lasting more than 3 weeks) YesNo
Is your Child taking any medications YesNo
(If yes, please list)
Does your child have a history of allergies/senstivities/adverse reactions to any drugs or medications (Penicillin, Novocain, etc.)? YesNo
(if yes,please describe)
Does your child have a history of allergies to any other substances(latex, environment, etc.)?
Please explain any medical problems that your child has
For your convenience, we offer the following methods of payment. Please check the option you prefer. Payment in full at each appointment. CashCheckVISAMaster CardDiscoverI wish to discuss the office payment policy
To the best of my knowledge, the questions on this form have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my child's health. It is my responsibility CO inform the dental office of any changes in my child's medical status. I also authorize the dental staff to perform the necessary dental services my child may need. I also authorize the dentist to release any information including the diagnosis and the records of treatment or examination rendered to my child during the period of such care to third party payers and/or tithe health practitioners. I authorize and request my insurance company to pay directly to the dentist or dentist's group insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. I understand that my insurance carrier may pay less than the actual bill for services. I agree to be responsible for payment of all services rendered on my behalf or my dependents.
Signature of Patient(parent/Guardian if minor)
Signature of Dentist
Same day appointments available
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Appointment Date*
Appointment Time*
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Reason for appointment
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