Platinum Dental Care


15230 Levan Rd,Suite B, Livonia ,MI 48154 USA

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Why Regular Visits to Your Dentists Are Important For Your Health?

Have you ever wondered how your dental health affects your overall health? Several studies indicate that bad oral health can lead to severe health issues including diabetes, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, or even some types of cancers. These, however, can be prevented with regular dental checkups at your family dental... Read more

10 Things You Must Do To Take Care of Your Dental Fillings

Once you’ve had your fillings done, there are ways to take care of them post-surgery, and your dentist will appraise you of those. After the sensitivity has worn off, it’s time for proactive day-to-day care of your dental fillings, so that they serve you well for a long time. Here... Read more

(734) 522-5520

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