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Snap-on Dentures – Everything You Need To Know About Snap-on Dentures

If you’re worried that your dentures will come loose at the most inappropriate moment, you’re not alone. Many people are embarrassed by their conventional dentures which come off when they laugh, cough or sneeze. The good news is that those days of being on the alert for loose dentures are over. Today, you can avail of sophisticated snap-on dentures that can be attached or unattached to your jaw bone by either Standard or Mini-Implants.

What Are Snap-on Dentures and How Do They Work?

Snap-on dentures also called clip-on dentures are basically removable dentures; they can be taken out any time by the wearer, but when they’re within the jaw, they are firmly located and will not fall off in response to any impetus. The denture itself looks like any other regular denture – the appearance is the same. The difference is in the application snap-on dentures and the comfort and security of these dentures.

Instead of sitting on your gums and sliding off at the least provocation, snap-on dentures snap-on on either side of the dental implants that are put in to hold the dentures in place. These dental implants usually have a metal plate connected to them to which the snap-on dentures just snap on and hold.

There are two ways in which clip-on dentures work:

  • One way is that the denture snaps onto magnetic connecting points that are attached to the dental implants on the sides of the inner jaw. This option means lesser metal in your mouth; many patients feel more comfortable with this method.
  • The second option is when a metal plate is attached to the implants. This plate runs across the top of the gums, and the magnetized dentures, when inserted into the jaw, snap on to the plate. This option prevents the rubbing of the dentures against the gums and bruising them, so it is also very popular.

The option you choose depends on your budget and personal preference. Both options are effective and work well in the long term.

Snap-on Dentures – Pros and Cons

While snap-on dentures offer several benefits to patients who use them, they have their cons as well. Here is a look at the positives and negatives of snap-on dentures.

Pros of Snap-on Dentures:

  • Increased stability and reliability
  • Conventional dentures slip off easily. Snap-on dentures stay in place until the wearer snaps them off at night.
  • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem, given that the dentures will stay in place and won’t fall out in public situations.
  • Snap-on dentures don’t rub against the gum and irritate them, causing bruises, grazes, cuts or abrasions. Wearers can wear these dentures without worry about hurting their gums.
  • Snap-on dentures improve your ability to chew all kinds of food, so you can eat anything comfortably.
  • These dentures don’t get in the way of talking either; you can talk freely, without being impeded by a full-palate upper denture that won’t allow your tongue to move freely.

Cons of Snap-on Dentures

  • The cons have to do with the implants and not the dentures. The implants come at a cost; a single implant is expensive enough but if your mouth needs multiple implants then you’re looking at a serious investment.
  • Inserting dental implants along your jaw line constitutes a major oral surgery which comes with its own negatives. Plus, surgery involves general anaesthetic.
  • You will be in pain for several days after the procedure. If you get several teeth done at once, the discomfort and pain will be higher. However, the pain will subside fairly quickly.

Who Is Eligible For Snap-On Dentures?

Snap-on dentures involve dental implants which involve surgery. So anyone in reasonably good health with a healthy oral environment can get dental implants and therefore be fitted with snap-on dentures.

You’re not eligible for snap-on dentures if you meet the following conditions:

  • If you smoke, you’re not eligible for snap-on dentures. This is because smoking greatly increases the risk of gum disease, which is a risk for major oral surgery. The gum ought to be in good condition for dental implants to be put in. if your gums are severely damaged or diseased, they won’t be able to support the implant as they should.
  • If you’re a senior citizen facing a major loss of jaw bone, you’re not eligible for snap-on dentures.
  • Bone volume shrinks rapidly owing to age and also owing to tooth extraction. If you’ve had too many teeth extracted in your life, you’ve already suffered enough bone loss in your jaw to fully support the dental implants.


It’s possible to get bone augmentation and bone grafts if you suffer from bone loss before dental implants can be put in. However, this involves hours of painful surgery. Before opting for clip-on dentures/snap-on dentures, be sure to get your teeth and overall oral health assessed by a dental surgeon. If you’re certified as a good candidate for snap-on dentures, your dentist will do the needful. If you need bone augmentation or grafting, your dentist will let you know what needs to be done before snap-on dentures can be applied.

Want to know if snap-on dentures are a good treatment option for you not? Snap-on dentures price may attract you at Platinum Dental Care. Visit our office or call us at 734-522-5520 to schedule your free initial consultation.


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